Under the auspices of Education Department of West Bengal and the Patronage of Hjgher Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal, MuragacchaGovt College was given the privilege to organise the Inter College District Sports & Games Championship 2016-17 (Nadia District) on 24th, 25thand 27th January 2017. The entire program was organized under the strict super vision of Dr.ParthaKarmakar, OIC MuragachhaGovt College and Organising Secretary of the event. The event was inaugurated by Dr.ParthaKarmakar, OIC Muragachha Govt. College. As much as fifteen colleges from various parts of Nadia took part in the competition. The invaluable support of the teaching and nonteaching staff of the college who were part of the various committees and the subcommittees formed to organized the event was of immense help to make the event a grand success.