Government General Degree College, Nakashipara.


CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS Students are expected to strictly follow the college authority's rules of conduct:

  1. The college strictly prohibits eve-teasing and ragging.

2. Damaging college property, such as labs, buildings, furniture, and fixtures, is a serious and punishable offense.

3. Sitting on the stairs is not allowed for students.

4. The verandah in front of classrooms, the library block, and hallways are designated quiet areas and should be respected as such.

5. Rude behaviour should not be tolerated as it promotes indiscipline.

6. During class hours, students are not permitted to loiter outside the classroom or elsewhere on college premises. (Students are encouraged to use this time in the library or common room if a teacher is not present.

7. Students should not engage in violence, grouping, class disputes, etc.<br>

8. Outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering the college premises during college hours, unless they have obtained prior approval from the Principal for urgent matters.

9. Illegal activities such as smoking, using narcotics, drinking alcohol, carrying weapons, and setting off fireworks are strictly forbidden on college property.

10. Students must always carry their identity cards.

11. Polite and respectful interactions are expected with teachers, staff, and fellow students.

12. Avoid putting up posters or making marks on the walls of the college building.

13. Avoid cheating in the Examination Hall.

14. Uphold the dignity of a co-education institution of higher learning.


Here is the general code of conduct for teachers in their area of work:

  Professional Accountability:

1. A teacher should faithfully adhere to government policies regarding education.

2. Actions that bring discredit to the teaching profession should be avoided.

3. Teachers should allocate sufficient time to their duties and be willing to work extra hours when necessary for the advancement of the institution.

  Commitment to Colleagues:

1. All colleagues, regardless of their positions, should be treated equally in a professional manner.

2. Recognize the functional authority of those in positions of higher authority.

  Commitment to Students:

1. Teachers should genuinely be dedicated to education and driven by intellectual curiosity.

2. Encourage critical thinking among students while maintaining institutional discipline.

3. When working with students who have physical challenges, teachers should approach with compassion.

4. Instill a sense of pride in the institution among students.

  Commitment to Community:

1. Teaching holds a position of public trust, and teachers should serve as role models for the community through their academic pursuits and adherence to the highest ethical standards.

2. Maintain a neutral stance on matters involving community interests.

3. Respect all forms of diversity and actively work towards promoting peace and harmony.

  CODE OF CONDUCT FOR NON-TEACHING STAFF   Here is the code of conduct for the non-teaching staff as expected by the college:

  1. Job Performance - Become familiar with the college's policies relevant to their responsibilities.

- Strive to adhere closely to these rules.

- Assist and support others in following the guidelines (e.g., directing a student to the appropriate channels).

- Maintain a standard of job performance that meets expectations.

  2. Workplace Conduct - Refrain from using vulgar or harsh language.

- Avoid statements or actions that could be interpreted as violating the Human Rights Code.

- Show consideration for others and follow instructions.

- Refrain from pursuing personal, religious, political, social, or business objectives during working hours.

- Uphold professional and ethical standards throughout their duties.

  3. Relationship With Students - Foster a positive and respectful relationship with students.

- Create an environment conducive to learning and growth.

  4. Relationship With Faculty and Colleagues - Maintain professional and respectful interactions with all members of the college community and the general public.

  5. Compliance With Service Rules - Non-teaching staff are required to perform their duties in accordance with the service rules established by the Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal.

  6. Leave Requests - Provide the Head of the Office with sufficient notice for any leave requests.

  In summary, the college expects all non-teaching staff members to uphold professional standards in their job performance, workplace conduct, relationships with students and colleagues, and compliance with college policies and service rules. This includes maintaining professionalism, fostering a positive environment, and adhering to ethical standards throughout their duties.