Government General Degree College, Nakashipara.


  • Academic Policy
  • Quality Assurance
  • Faculty empowerment
  • Financial Management
  • Routine
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural and Magazine
  • Anti-Ragging
  • Grievance Redressal
  • Anti- Women Harrasment
  • Student Aid Fund
  • Student Welfare
  • Sports Management
  • Examination
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • E-Governance

Academic Policy

The academic policy of Government General Degree College Nakashipara aligns with the guidelines set by the University of Kalyani and implements recommendations from the University Grants Commission (UGC) as applicable. The Teachers' Council or Academic Council oversees the academic policy through the following mechanisms:   1. Ensuring Discipline and Regularity: They ensure the smooth completion of courses each semester by maintaining discipline and regularity. 2. Monitoring Syllabus Coverage: The Council monitors the percentage of the syllabus covered, ensuring that it is sufficiently advanced a fortnight before the end of each academic session. 3. Liaison with Routine Committee: They maintain close communication with the routine committee to ensure the smooth conduction of classes across all semesters. 4. Liaison with Examination Committee: They also coordinate with the examination committee to address any issues related to internal evaluations and tutorial examinations. 5. Regular Meetings: The Council arranges meetings at regular intervals to address and resolve any important issues. 6. Acting as a Bridge: The Council acts as an intermediary between the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and various departments, facilitating faculty improvement programs and other quality initiatives.

Quality Assurance and Improvement

The college is dedicated to offering the highest quality education to students, aiming to shape them into responsible citizens of India. It has a clear policy for monitoring and evaluating the methods used to enhance educational quality. The institution focuses on development through coordinated efforts from both faculty and staff members. This self-assessment process is validated through
    1. i)Planning and oversight by the IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell).
    1. ii) Feedback and Advices from the Teachers.
  iii) Review meetings held by different sub committees.  
    1. iv) Involvement and suggestions made by Students
    1. v) Analyse all self appraisal reports and feedback reports.
    Policy Scope The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the key objectives and actions related to the College's quality assurance procedures.   Policy Aims   The College strives to implement thorough and accurate self-assessment processes that drive improvement. To achieve this we must:
  • Create Staff Confidence in the self-assessment process.
  • Encourage all staff and members of the College community, including students, to participate in self-assessment and quality improvement initiatives.
  • Offer opportunities for all staff to develop outstanding practices. Assess staff capabilities and provide appropriate professional development to ensure they possess the necessary skills for excellence.
  • Motivate teachers to focus on the skills required for delivering inspirational teaching and learning.
  • Providing opportunities for all staff to develop outstanding practice. Athe capabilities of our staff and provide the appropriate professional development to ensure they have the skills necessary to deliver outstanding practice. Inspiring teachers to focus on the skills to deliver inspirational teaching and learning
  • Sharing good practice across the College, in all areas of College business, through a variety of mechanisms
  • Establishing the aspiration for outstanding teaching and learning
  • Recognizing and celebrate outstanding performance of all staff. The College aims to enable outstanding success for all its learners. The College aims to provide accurate and formative assessment and verification The College aims to carry out rigorous action planning and monitoring. To achieve this we must:
  • Devise action plans that will achieve year on year improvement
  • Conduct thorough review meetings to monitor the progress of quality improvement plans and targets.

Faculty empowerment

Introduction Government general Degree College Nakashipara places the highest importance on the academic excellence of its faculty members. They are encouraged to participate in subject-based refresher courses, training sessions, short-term programs, and workshops to deepen their knowledge in their respective fields.  The college provides the necessary infrastructure to establish research laboratories and supports faculty attendance at national and international academic conferences to enhance their teaching and research capabilities. The institution firmly believes that the academic and research achievements of its faculty will benefit both the student community and the nation as a whole. To this end, the college offers financial support to faculty members, aiming to foster academic and research excellence   Rules and Directives  
  1. All requests for participation in national or international conferences/seminars that include paper presentations must be submitted as an application to the head of the institution. This application should include an acceptance letter for the paper and official registration information, specifying the conference/seminar . The teachers also have to officially apply for leaving the station.

Financial Management Policy

  • The Government of West Bengal allocates sufficient funds for the development and upkeep of the college infrastructure. Departments submit their requirements to the central purchase committee after receiving approval from the competent authority. The central purchase committee evaluates the relevance and usefulness of these requirements and ensures optimal fund utilization before granting approval. Competitive bidding and e-tendering processes are followed for procurement to maximize fund utilization. Priority is given to enhancing library facilities to support learning practices, and funds are allocated accordingly each year. Additionally, funds are utilized to upgrade laboratory facilities across departments to ensure state-of-the-art improvements. Some funds are earmarked for social service activities, such as those conducted by the NSS, as part of the college's social responsibilities. Regular renovation of classrooms, laboratories, and faculty rooms is also funded. Financial assistance is provided by the college for organizing various programs by the IQAC and all departments.


  • The aim of the Routine Sub-Committee at Government General Degree College Nakashipara is to devise an optimal timetable that accommodates the needs and preferences of both students and teachers.
  • This committee formulates the Master Routine based on the academic schedule provided by the University of Kalyani for each semester. It assigns classes to all disciplines, including Science and Humanities, considering the availability of facilities and adhering to UGC regulations regarding faculty allocation.
  • During the pandemic, the committee planned for online classes exclusively in the initial phase, utilizing platforms like Google Meet and Zoom for teaching sessions. However, as we transition into the new-normal scenario, offline classes have commenced.


Vision: Green, clean, Divyangjan friendly campus The physical facilities, including buildings, carpentry, and classrooms, are essential components of any institution. Ensuring their efficient utilization and maintenance is a top priority. To address these concerns, the institution has devised the following institutional framework: 1.Utilization Guidelines: Clear guidelines are established for the utilization of physical facilities to ensure their optimal use. These guidelines outline procedures for booking classrooms, scheduling maintenance activities, and managing carpentry resources effectively. 2. Maintenance Plan: A comprehensive maintenance plan is implemented to address the upkeep of buildings, carpentry, and classrooms. This plan includes regular inspections, routine maintenance schedules, and prompt repairs to prevent deterioration and ensure the longevity of facilities. 3. Resource Allocation: Adequate resources, including manpower, equipment, and funds, are allocated for the maintenance and utilization of physical facilities. Budgetary provisions are made to cover expenses related to repairs, renovations, and upgrades as needed. 4. Safety and Compliance: Safety standards and regulatory compliance are prioritized in the management of physical facilities. Regular safety audits and assessments are conducted to identify potential hazards and ensure compliance with building codes and regulations. 5. Feedback Mechanism: A feedback mechanism is established to solicit input from stakeholders regarding the utilization and maintenance of physical facilities. Feedback from students, faculty, and staff is collected to identify areas for improvement and address concerns promptly. 6. Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement initiatives are implemented to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of facility management practices. Lessons learned from past experiences are incorporated into future planning to optimize resource utilization and improve overall facility management. By implementing this institutional framework, the institution aims to ensure the effective utilization and maintenance of physical facilities to support its academic and operational objectives. Building Infrastructure Building infrastructure is a key focus area for the institution, encompassing new construction projects, repairs to existing structures, and the maintenance and enhancement of physical infrastructure such as plumbing, water supply, and electricity. These responsibilities are overseen by the Public Works Department (PWD) of West Bengal, in accordance with the norms established by the state government. All minor electrical issues are addressed by trained electricians who also serve as caretakers, ensuring prompt maintenance. Additionally, the upkeep of toilets and service areas is managed by dedicated cleaning staff and hired plumbers, ensuring that these facilities remain in optimal condition for use by students, faculty, and staff. The institution maintains its computer and IT infrastructure through Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMCs), ensuring the smooth operation of computers across various departments and central facilities like the Wi-Fi service  and Intercom systems. These contracts are renewed regularly to uphold the functionality and efficiency of the IT infrastructure, providing uninterrupted support to academic and administrative operations. Laboratory Equipment’s/Machinery: Capable technicians conduct regular inspections of the gas connection pipeline to detect any leaks, ensuring the safety and reliability of the system. Additionally, they maintain detailed stock records for the laboratory, meticulously tracking the inventory of chemicals, glassware, and other scientific instruments to facilitate efficient management and procurement processes. Library: The college's competent staff takes care of library maintenance, which includes updating and maintaining library software to ensure smooth operations. Regular disinfection and cleaning of the library are carried out by dedicated library personnel to uphold cleanliness and hygiene standards. Additionally, library shelves and racks are regularly maintained by the staff to ensure organized storage and accessibility of resources for students and faculty.   Classrooms: The college boasts spacious classrooms equipped with ample fans, tube lights, and desks, all of which are meticulously maintained. Dedicated carpenters and electricians are responsible for promptly addressing any repairs or damage to these facilities, ensuring they remain in optimal condition for use by students and faculty. Additionally, the maintenance of doors and windows in classrooms and labs is attended to as needed, further contributing to the overall upkeep of the college premises. Items linked to furniture: The institutional caretaker is responsible for the upkeep and repair of the furniture, fixtures, and other physical infrastructure. He notifies the authority of the need for repair work and verifies the work once it has been performed.   Building Security: The institution is embarking on a project to create new classrooms and research labs on the rooftop, utilizing previously unused space to expand facilities and accommodate growing needs.  sustainability.   Future plan: Additionally, as part of an energy-efficient initiative, all conventional lights are being replaced with LED lights, contributing to reduced energy consumption and environmental

Policies for Cultural Programmes: The Cultural Events Committee is responsible for planning and scheduling cultural events throughout the academic session. This includes preparing budgets for these events and taking necessary steps to obtain approval for the proposed expenditures. The committee also prepares the annual budget for all cultural activities. The Conveners of the Committee convene meetings to discuss event planning and delegate tasks among committee members. These meetings serve as forums for brainstorming ideas, coordinating logistics, and ensuring that cultural events are organized effectively and within budget.   Policies for Cultural Magazine:
  • To provide a platform for students to express themselves through various forms of writing like research articles, comments on current topics, literary/creative writing, drawings etc.
  • To promote freedom of expression
  • To provide a platform for exchange of thoughts, innovative ideas and information
  • The Cultural Events Committee is tasked with several responsibilities: 1. Obtaining consent from the college authority to organize programs. 2. Deciding the date, time, and agenda of the programs. 3. Informing staff members and students about the events. 4. Arranging the venue and logistics, including audio/video systems, dais, and podiums. 5. Extending invitations to Chief Guests and other dignitaries for events. 6. Displaying information about upcoming events on the Notice Board and College Website. 7. Maintaining records of all cultural activities. 8. Encouraging both students and faculty to engage in creative pursuits. 9. Identifying and promoting hidden talents among students and faculty. 10. Providing a platform for students to showcase their talents in various fields.


  Ragging is strictly prohibited on the college campus. Students must abstain from any form of ragging, and those found engaging in such activities will face immediate suspension from the college for at least one week. If any cases are reported to the authorities, the situation will be thoroughly reviewed before appropriate legal action is taken. Students should understand that involvement in any form of ragging may lead to expulsion from the college. It is important for students to be aware that as per the Circular of the Directorate of Higher Education, issued by the Government of West Bengal, and the guidelines provided by the University Grants Commission (UGC) via notification no.F.1-16/2009 (CPP-II) dated October 21, 2009, it is mandatory for the institution to file a complaint with the Police Authority regarding any incidents of ragging. This complies with the regulations outlined in the Curbing the Threat of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009, under Section 26(1)(g) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
In addition to the aforementioned policies, students are educated about the various forms of ragging, which may include: 1. Mental Abuse 2. Physical Abuse 3. Verbal Abuse 4. Indecent Behavior 5. Criminal Intimidation 6. Undermining Human Dignity 7. Use of Force 8. Financial Exploitation All instances of disciplinary action will be presented to the Committee for review, which will then submit its findings to the Governing body for further action following proper legal procedures. As per UGC guidelines, affected students are expected to file an anti-ragging affidavit. The College maintains constant vigilance against ragging and promptly responds to any reported incidents. Immediate action will be taken against offending students, either independently or through the formation of a special inquiry committee, whose findings or recommendations will be presented to the appropriate decision-maker. Students are encouraged to report any instances of racial harassment they witness or experience to the College administration, faculty, Anti-Ragging Committee, Grievance Redressal Cell, or any other staff member they feel comfortable confiding in. The College ensures confidentiality for students who disclose such incidents. Grievance Redressal Introduction and Objective: The Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) of the College is established to address formal complaints regarding academic and non-academic matters. Students, faculty, and staff members can lodge complaints via email, grievance box, or direct contact with cell members. The GARC aims to foster transparency and responsiveness among stakeholders to maintain a positive educational environment and resolve grievances in a timely manner. The policy outlines the procedure for redressing grievances and establishes an internal sub-committee named the Grievance Redressal Cell to investigate complaints and recommend corrective actions if necessary. The objectives of this policy include: 1. Providing an effective mechanism for redressing unsatisfactory academic policies. 2. Cultivating a culture of fairness and trust within the college community. 3. Promoting collaboration by addressing grievances related to library facilities, sports facilities, teaching-learning environment, and examination processes. The cell members hold regular meetings to review any complaints lodged by stakeholders, as Government General Degree College Nakashipara maintains discipline as a general degree college. Scope: The Cell conducts awareness programs among stakeholders to facilitate the lodging of complaints related to the following issues: 1) Concerns regarding sanitation, food preparation, and hygiene in the canteen, as well as academic-related matters. 2) Issues pertaining to the library, such as availability of books and facilities. 3) Classroom infrastructure-related concerns. 4) Sports-related issues, including facilities and equipment. 5) Matters concerning the continuous teaching-learning evaluation process. 6) Coordination and collaboration between students and teachers. By organizing these awareness programs, the Cell aims to empower stakeholders to voice their concerns and grievances effectively, thereby fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within the college community. Roles and Responsibilities of GRC: The GARC shall be responsible for ensuring that any grievances from stakeholder resolved properly and effectively by consulting with the members of the cell and other academic stakeholders of the college. GRC shall adhere to the following principles:
  • The Committee is committed to upholding the principles of natural justice during the investigation of complaints lodged by stakeholders. It ensures that stakeholders receive effective counseling and actively seeks solutions that address their grievances. Additionally, the Committee provides feedback to stakeholders on the actions taken to redress their grievances, promoting transparency and accountability in the grievance redressal process.

Anti-Women Harassment

  • The college is firmly committed to providing equal opportunities and maintaining an environment where all faculty, staff, and students are treated with dignity and respect, free from any form of discrimination, harassment, or victimization. It is the responsibility of all members of the college to adhere to this policy and act in accordance with its guidance in their daily activities. Offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Harassment is considered a serious offense and is subject to disciplinary procedures outlined by the college. This policy, along with its accompanying Code of Practice, applies to all academic and office staff of the college, as well as others for whom the college is responsible. The college is dedicated to ensuring that all staff and students are aware of this policy and the accompanying guidance, and effective guidance and briefing are provided accordingly. The policy and guidance are readily available on the college website, and all members, including students, are encouraged to familiarize themselves with them. The college management, along with all individuals falling within the scope of this policy, have specific responsibilities, including setting a positive example, making it clear that harassment will not be tolerated, providing guidance on the policy and its consequences, investigating reports of harassment, taking appropriate corrective action, and ensuring that victimization does not occur as a result of a complaint. Harassment is defined as unwanted conduct based on various grounds, including sex, marital status, race, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation, or age, which violates a person's dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment. Harassment may occur through various means, including internet, email, or telephone, and the motives of the perpetrator are not the determining factor in deciding if behavior amounts to harassment. The college prohibits bullying, which may involve offensive, intimidating, or malicious behavior intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate, or injure the recipient, and victimization, which occurs when a person is treated less favorably for asserting their rights under this policy or assisting in an investigation. The college takes complaints of sexual harassment seriously, as it is characterized as a particularly degrading and unacceptable form of treatment and may constitute a criminal offense. The college monitors the incidence of sexual harassment and resolution of complaints, and appropriate actions are taken in response to reports of sexual harassment. Individuals who believe they are experiencing harassment are encouraged to seek support and may discuss the matter with colleagues, superiors, or college officials with pastoral responsibilities. Written complaints should include specific details of the alleged conduct, including dates, places, names of witnesses, and desired outcomes. Complaints against students should be filed with the Principal or Head of the Department, while complaints against employees should be filed with the Principal. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Principal will ask the Harassment Committee to investigate the matter and notify the respondent accordingly. The college offers various options for resolving complaints, including mediation and administrative resolution, and takes appropriate actions based on investigation findings. If necessary, cases may be forwarded to the Internal Complaints Committee under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013. The college maintains procedures for appeal, allowing respondents or complainants to appeal decisions to the Governing Body on specific grounds. Appeals must be filed in writing within a specified timeframe, and decisions are made based on factual evidence and procedural requirements outlined by the policy. Overall, the college is dedicated to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all members of its community and takes proactive measures to address and prevent harassment in all its forms.

Student Aid Fund

The Students Aid Fund Policy aims to support financially disadvantaged students in completing their undergraduate studies. This policy works in conjunction with government schemes such as the Vivekananda Scholarship, Kanyashree Prakalpa, and Student Credit Card facilities provided by the Government of West Bengal. Its overarching goal is to ensure the overall well-being and holistic development of students. Key initiatives under this policy include: 1) Organizing seminars and workshops to raise student awareness on various topics. 2) Distributing posters on campus to inform students about environmental and health issues. 3) Maintaining a green and clean campus environment. 4) Establishing plastic-free zones within the campus. 5) Enforcing anti-ragging policies on campus. 6) Observing important days as per the NCC and NSS Calendar. 7) Addressing student grievances through a grievance box in collaboration with the grievance cell. 8) Monitoring the utilization of various scholarships by students. 9) Conducting workshops and seminars to support the learning needs of financially disadvantaged and slow learners. 10) Monitoring and managing the college sick-room facilities. These initiatives collectively contribute to creating a supportive and conducive environment for student success and well-being.

Sports Management

  1. Our college has a gym center, opening time 11 AM to 3 PM
  2. Students, teachers and non-teaching staff are trained by trainers in the gym centre.
  3. Indoor and outdoor games like Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Carom board, Chess, etc., are played by students randomly during their allotted time.
  4. Most of time indoor games are held in the common room that is opened at 11 AM and closed at 4 PM.
  5. Our college arranges a special coaching class for Table Tennis, Football and Badminton.
  6. Our college arranges a special coaching class for college pass-out student for their higher education like BPEd and MPEd
  7. To monitor the various scholarships availed by the students.
  8. To organize workshops and seminars to facilitate learning of needy students and slow learners.
  9. To monitor and maintain the college sick-room.

Examination Policy

  Examination Policy of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya is to work under the purview of the affiliating University of North Bengal guidelines.   The Examination Subcommittee has the following members: One Centre-in-Charge, One Convener and 6-7 members from across the departments including office staff   Examination Subcommittee decides examination policy under following manner:  
  1. To conduct Examination sub-committee after receiving the University UG Examination schedule
  2. To prepare and circulate the Examination guidelines among the Invigilators and examinees to conduct examination smoothly following the University guidelines
  3. To maintain the discipline and regularity in smooth completion of Class Test/Test Examinations and Mid-Term Examinations (1+1+1 system) as well as University Examination as per the affiliating University guidelines
  4. To monitor the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) conducted by the concerned departments under CBCS pattern
  5. To monitor the grievance related to Internal Evaluation conducted by the concerned departments under CBCS pattern
  6. To prepare the duty roster and room allotment
  7. To maintain pre-examination arrangements like opening of question paper in presence of assigned Invigilators and Centre-in-Charge
  8. To make necessary post-examination arrangements following the University guidelines

Environmental Sustainability

  Policy Document of the Institution Regarding ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY
  1. Energy Management
  • The college is committed to adapt energy efficient equipment and technology.
  • The College is Committed to gradually reduce CFLs and other traditional lighting sources, bulbs, and tube lights by LED’s
  • The college will seek and utilize scope of collaboration with various agencies for proper energy management
  1. Waste Management
  • The college is committed to implement no use of single use plastics in the campus
  • The college is committed to provide appropriate training for stake holders on proper waste management.
  • The college is committed to organize environmental awareness in order to encourage waste management
  • Collaborative effortshave been adopted for proper waste management in the campus
  1. Water Conservation
  • College is committed to conduct Awareness Programme and Campaigning on ‘SAVE WATER SAVE LIFE” among the stakeholders
  • A sustainable balance between demand, management and reduce waste of water.
  • Water conservation education to all the stakeholders.
  • Implementation of practices that promote efficient use of water.
  • Coordination between water planning and other aspects of facility planning and management in association with local government body.
  1. Green Campus Initiative
  • The college is committed to maintain ‘NO SMOKING ZONE’ inside the campus.
  • The college is committed to monitor pollution level in this region
  • The college is committed to reduce pollution level restricting the entry of vehicle outside parking zone.
  • The college is committed towards implementation of “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”
  • The college is committed to maintain greenery inside and outside the campus in every year.
  • The college will take effective measures to do Green Audit, Environment and Energy Audit.
  1. Disabled-friendly, Barrier free Environment
  • The institution is committed to create inclusive culture to avoid discrimination.
  • The College is committed to plan awareness campaigns for an inclusive culture in the campus.
  • The college will ensure the idea “EDUCATION FOR ALL”
  • The College is committed ensure participation of persons with disabilities and to provide them the equal opportunities for all.
  • The College is committed to provide physical facilities such as wheel chairs, rest room and ramp for the persons with disabilities.


Implementation of e-governance in areas of operations:
Planning and Development College has given emphasis on e-governance. Financial transactions and Library works are managed digitally. Digitalization of Information related to the teachers and students has been done partially. For digital collection and restoration of students’ data Students’ Central Data management Systemhas been initiated under a newly formed committee. Departments have internet connectivity for day-to-day activities. Exchange and submission of information and correspondence with the Governments both at state and centre, with the regulatory authorities like UGC and other funding agencies have become completely digitalized.
Administration · Principal’s office is computerized. Financial operations are done by e-billing and WBIFMS. Annual Self Appraisal of Teachers are also submitted through WBIFMS portal · Students’ Section of the office manages their activities (including the whole admission procedure, university registration, and form fill up) digitally. Students’ database are collected and maintained digitally throughout the year by the student counselling cell. From this year efforts have been made to build a Students’ Central Data management System. · Faculty related data is collected and digitally preserved by IQAC which has been used for the All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE). · All the departments and central library have internet connection with adequate number of computers for doing their regular assignments. · All teaching, non-teaching staff and students of the college can avail internet facility during college-hour.  
Finance and Accounts · Apart from e-billing, HRMS module of WBIFMS has been introduced for dealing the financial matters and salary of staff. · Tax related procedures are executed and supervised digitally.  
Student Admission and Support · In Sukanta Mahavidyalaya undergraduate admission is conducted completely online. Submission of application forms, selections and deposition of admission fees have been done online. · Students’ related data is collected and preserved digitally during admission by the admission committee. These data, is used for registration and form fill up before examinations. Other data is maintained by the student counselling cell throughout the year. · Efforts are being made to build a Students’ Central Data Management System through which both students and college can share students’ related data online and use them when necessary. · In central library book search are partially computerized with the help of WEB-OPAC. We are using the Koha ILMS version 21.05. INFLIBNET-NLIST program is used for Electronic Resource Package of e-journals.
Examination · Examination related activities, such as university registration, form fill-up etc. are computerized. · Software related to examination is operational. · Tabulation and framing of mark sheets are done digitally. Marks of University examinations are submitted online. Examination results are also preserved digitally by Students Central Database Management System